feel like I just gave myself a really dumb haircut. we'll see what it looks like with some bedhead. it might be time for a summer buzz.
I told erik and jimmy that they've been living in the ghetto to long. their argument last night over grandma's cornbread almost came to blows.
the girl dog is in heat again. oliver keeps getting his dick stuck in there and whining in a really creepy way. if my dick kept getting stuck in a bitch, I would quit jamming in in there, you know!?
3 down and only one more ceremony to go to until my sister graduates high school. considering the fact that we live together and she has probably said five words to me in the last few months, I probably won't see her again after this summer. well, except for christmas of course.
going down town in a while to support "the scene" and try to get my chicagbros show confirmed for sunday. expect not/hope so. better get to drinking my mistakenly bought uncaffeinated sparks!
4 years ago