my roomate sold those wretched dogs today. maybe now I'll never have to move.
tomorrow I show up to the pizza place I work at at 5 a.m. for the third day in a row. they're filming a movie right now and I'm an extra. pizza guy #2 or something. today one of the scenes involved the girl telling her roommate to "suck a fuck".
also someone paid me to work for them and I used the ten spot they gave me to buy a double goose and red bull so now there are lots of things that sound like good ideas but aren't. I'll never forget, it cost $9.11.
4 years ago
that's good to read about the trees in philly. i guess it seems like you're really enthuastic. i'm dying to get the fuck out of here. it's so hot and mosquitoes are rampant these days. i look like i've got belt welts as a result. real gross.